Monday 11 March 2013

Like Handing Candy to a Baby

The technology that was around when I was an infant is worlds apart from what the technology will look like when I have my own kids (within the next 10 years, going by average age of young parents in Canada). In the early 1990’s- when I was a baby, there was no thought given to letting your toddler interact with touch screens, simply because they didn’t exist.

Today, there’s lots of publications about the effects of touchscreens on early child development. Some say that letting your young infants use touchscreens could cap their social development, resulting in a kid who can’t make eye contact with people, and has an online avitar as a girlfriend. Other extremes of these publications say that children with no experience in technology will be far behind the rest of their group in terms of their ability to interact with these technologies and navigateing them in a productive manner.

The fact of the matter is parrenting is tough. While it’s easier to hand your kid a cellphone for a few minutes of peace and quite, do you really have a good idea of effect this might have on the kid? While reliable sources indicate that people of age less than 2 years should not be exposed to touchscreens, the long-time toy maker Fisher Price has just recently released an iPhone case which is rated for ages 6 months+.

The new inivative case is called the ‘Apptivity Case,’ and an image of it can be seen below.

This specialized case has a few unique function when compared to other cases on the market. First off, it doubles as a rattle. Moreover, it locks the iPhone so that it is stuck in 1 app, and the app can’t be changed without removing the iPhone from the case. This allows the case to be used by anyone, without worry of accidentally sending gibberish text messages to your boss.

I personally feel very unsure about how my kids(when i have them) will interact with technology at a very young age, and this view is not uncommon. I’m glad to say that I will have a lot more time between now, and when i have kids for more studies to be done. I’m interested to see the future implications of these studies, and how the relationship between modern technology and infants progresses.

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